Sunday, November 2, 2008

Trip to Colorado

Back in July I booked a flight to see my sister. Was pretty dang excited to get the cheap rate from Southwest--$69.00 each way, can't drive for that price.

Jen picked me up in Denver Friday morning at 8:00 and we checked out a Dog Daycare that has 2 large indoor pools for the dogs to swim in. Very nice, not something that I want to pursue though, unless the perfect opportunity came. Let's just say, drywall and water are not a good match.

We had a great breakfast at The Egg and I. YUM is all I can say. I think Jen wanted to hit the outlet mall in Castle Rock, I really preferred to just get down to her house. I was starting to feel the onset of a sinus headache..NOT COOL.

Got back to her house and took an hour nap. Then it was on to our spa day. Hour massage and I decided to donate my hair to Locks of Love. We cut off 13 inches again and restyled my mop. Let's just say it's SHORT and doesn't go into a pony tail. I know it will grow back and most likely grow fast so I'm not too freaked out about it....yet. Hubby hasn't seen it in person, just a camera phone pix that we sent to him.

Got back to her place around 5:00 and had tacos for supper. The boys were excited to go trick or treating and headed out around 6:30. Jen & I stayed home and answered the door. Not that many out which is bad because now we have all this chocolate candy!!! Butterfingers are not my friend :)

Saturday morning we did some shopping for the boys and then went out to lunch. Jen & I had a date at the riding stable near Garden of the Gods. We've rode there before about 5 years ago and I was looking forward to going again. Jen got 'stuck' with an Appy mare that had a bit of a tude towards my Paso Fino gelding. She also had a bit of a mind of her own. When we came across some scrub oak, she made a beeline for them and back up to itch her udder. It was totally funny and Jen could not get her to stop until she was ready to stop. She did that a couple other times and the wrangle said that she had just been wormed so wasn't sure what was going on. I suggested that maybe her udder was itchy. The Wrangler had as much fun as we did. He tried his best to tell us the history of the park and to point out different spots of interest. We kept talking about his horses, the stable horses, other topics not related to the ride. I did find out that there are 23 miles of trails there and that there is a spot for people to haul in to ride!! and other stuff not regarding the park. I loved riding there, especially now that I have done other rides. The terrain is rocky, powdery red sand, climbs, drops, stair steps and beautiful scenery. I was impressed that the city has taken measures to help prevent erosion on the trial. That was new since I had been there last. Since the ride was going ahead of schedule, our guide offered to let us get off and go in the trading post if we wanted. Jen and I had been there before so opted not to. I don't think they normally do that especially with novice riders getting on and off the horses.

The boys headed to a hockey game last night and Jen and I hung out at home watching the Huskers get killed. We also watched some other show that she kept flipping to. I think it was House Hunters. Pretty cool to see old homes get fixed up, too expensive for me to do though.

Today we are heading to Palmer Park to do some geocaching---Maybe. They got a GPS a few days ago and want to try to figure it out. Great, they are asking me how to do it!!! Jen and I downloaded some coordinated from the internet last night so at least I got that done. Now to figure out how to do it on the GPS. Mike is the same way, honey figure this out and show me so I don't get lost in the mountains. He made it home so I guess it worked.

My flight leaves today at 4:50 and I'll be back home by 8:30. I do miss my critters and my hubby, notice how I miss the critters more??? I tend to 'worry' about their care when I'm not home. Controlling? No, just know that Mike may not catch something that I would. Although, he did say that he checked the horses over for me pretty good Saturday--no one had any burrs stuck in their tail and no cuts or anything. Thanks hubby!! **before I left on Friday morning at 5:30, AJ came up with a cockleburr branch entwined in his tail. I debated on leaving it and dealing with it when I got home or brushing it out and risk being late. I opted to brush it out, thankfully, I had sprayed show sheen on his tail the day before because he had picked up some burrs when Dad and I were riding.

Well, I hear people moving about upstairs..and I'm hungry!!!

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