Wednesday, December 17, 2008


This youngster started visiting our place regularly (that we could identify due to the notches in his ears) in the summer of 2006. He is most likely around 2 1/2 years old in that photo and has a lot of growing to do.

We were (I was) excited to see him coming back and surviving the hunting season in 2007. Unfortunately, he broke his rack in a fight. We didn't see much of him late last winter/spring and once our trail cams were out mid summer we started getting photos of him. His rack isn't all that impressive-wide but it has a lot of mass at the base. There is also come character going on with it.
After seeing some early fall photos of ole Notchie, he disappeared once archery season started up. I was quite worried that he had gotten shot and that we'd never see him around. There was a lot of pressure at the camp across the way and our neighbors had a few hunters on their land too.
After not seeing Notch for 2 months, we pulled the chip on one of the scrapes and low and behold, here he is again. Identified again by the notch in his ear.
Mike is gunning for him this year and believe me, it will be bittersweet to have him gone. Notch has got 2 more weeks until life will return to somewhat normal. I believe there is a late season rifle, but that is for antlerless deer in January.
A vehicle, poacher or nature could also possibly take him over the winter. He's looking a little lean and I'm not sure what is up with his left front leg. Hoping it's just how he is standing and not an injury that happened during the rut.
I really need to get out in the spring with Mike and go shed hunting. He's got an awesome rack that I'd love to have.

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