I bundled up in my carhart bibbies, the trusty parka, warm gloves and a headband to keep my ears from freezing off. I also dug out the tripod to keep my camera steady for the low light photography.
To get things warmed up, I dinked around with photographing the sun setting. Couldn't quite capture the pretty colors though like I did last summer. Maybe it was because I was starting to loose feeling in the tips of my fingers and was worried that the dogs would run into me, knocking the tripod over.
I was starting to grow a bit impatient with how slow the sun was setting. Normally, I don't want it to set so fast but tonight, I was wanting it dark!
Finally, the show is on. Love the cobalt blue and the lighter blue beneath it. Neat how you can see the earthlight shining on the dark side of the moon.
Just love the colors on this one, but it's starting to get a bit too dark to photograph. Ran inside after this shot to get feeling back in my fingers and nose. Thank goodness it wasn't windy! I'd be an icicle for sure.
Last shot, the sky is getting too dark to photograph. I was pretty happy that I was able to capture this moment.
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